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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-04-18 12:52:28 von Api KKK
... und wieder haben es 6 einsame Krieger zu uns geschafft

Kaldor kkk*
Lucifer kkk*
Lordi kkk*
Steganos kkk*
Carracho kkk*
Crazycle kkk*

wir begrüßen euch ganz herzlich und wünschen euch in Zukunft viel Spaß bei all euren Aktivitäten bei den

Besondere Grüsse gehen diesmal auch in die Schweiz
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geschrieben am 2004-04-17 23:09:11 von Beelze KKK
es sieht so aus, als würde JO:TR mit dem punkbuster www.punkbuster.com geliefert werden!

Major Features in PunkBuster™

(some editions of PunkBuster™ do not have all of these features)

Real-time scanning of memory by PB Client on players' computers searching for known hacks/cheats

Throttled two-tiered background auto-update system using multiple Internet Master Servers to provide end-user security ensuring that no false or corrupted updates can be installed on players' computers

Frequent status reports (highly encrypted) are sent to the PB Server by all players and the PB Server raises a violation when necessary which causes the offending player to be removed from the game and all other players are informed of the violation

PB Admins can also manually remove players from the game for a specified number of minutes or permanently ban if desired

PB Servers can optionally be configured to randomly check player settings looking for known exploits of the game engine

PB Admins can request actual screenshot samples from specific players and/or can configure the PB Server to randomly grab screenshot samples from players during gameplay

An optional "bad name" facility is provided so that PB Admins can prevent players from using offensive player names containing unwanted profanity or racial slurs

Search functions are provided for PB Admins who wish to search player's keybindings and scripts for anything that may be known to exploit the game

The PunkBuster™ Player Power facility can be configured to allow players to self-administer game servers when the Server Administrator is not present entirely without the need for passwords

PB Servers have an optional built-in mini http web server interface that allows the game server to be remotely administered via a web browser from anywhere over the Internet

Info based on NovaLogic's Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising Media Beta.


PunksBusted.com The internet’s largest anti-cheat and most popular, Punk Buster© support web site, has officially gone live with the new Auto-Master Ban List System (Auto-MBL), for game server administrators. This is a fully automated, secure, real time spooling of the Punk Buster logs directly from your server to the master database. It stops cheaters in their tracks across a large number of game servers.
What Does this mean?

Cheaters detected by the Punk Buster software from our admin member servers, are collected, sorted and updated to the Master Ban List (MBL) automatically.

Your server’s ban list is automatically updated and kept current with our automated download feature at a time and period of your choosing. A cheater caught today will not be playing within hours on all servers using the MBL, Period!

The Auto-MBL FTP updating software is available for both Windows and Linux-based servers. (Or update manually, if the auto-updating feature is not possible with your setup).

Screen shot MD5 checksums and timestamps are automatically stored in our repository, so that there will never again be a doubt as to the authenticity of a PB screen shot. It eliminates accusations of fake screen shots. PunksBusted’s repository will verify it’s integrity without question.

There is an system for all server admins, using PB, which will keep you up to date with ALL the cheaters.
The server must be connected to a FTP server of PunksBusted and will load the latest BANFILE.

So when people connect to a PB server witch a cheat, he will be banned and will automaticly be added to the BANLIST.

The BANLIST will have the following info in it:
- Alias
- IP Address
- Reason (will show you the program which has ran to cheat)
- Caught By (server name)
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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-04-17 09:54:06 von Api KKK
... und wieder hat es einer zu uns geschafft

Lipin Lizard kkk*

wir begrüßen ihn ganz herzlich und wünschen ihm in Zukunft viel Spaß bei all seinen Aktivitäten bei den KrisenKommandoKräften.
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geschrieben am 2004-04-15 22:37:10 von Beelze KKK
the second beta test for Europeans is about to take place and that there are about 1000 places left:

" Hi Everyone,
Just to let you know that European beta test sign ups for Joint Operations are up and ready, feel free to sign up, places are limited though!


Novalogic Marketing Coordinator "

We have heard unofficial rumours that Novalogic is doing experiments to test how many people they can place into a single game. Perhaps if all goes well the game may be released supporting a lot more than the 100 players.

Here are the minimum specs required by beta testers that Novalogic has been looking for on previous beta tests:

Broadband Connection
Pentium 4 / Athlon XP / 64 / FX
128 MB AGP Video Card
512MB Ram (PC133 or Faster)
Microsoft DirectX 9+

sign up
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geschrieben am 2004-04-15 19:46:20 von Beelze KKK
Nach dem ganzen rumgezerre in der letzten Zeit und die mehr als depremierenden Geruechte, es wird keinen BETA Test fuer Europa geben, gibt es nun ENDLICH eine Neuikeit, die euch alle intressieren duerfte! - folgende Message erhielt ich eben von NOVA

[...Finally...we have sign ups for Europe!

I beleive we have a few hundred places allocated to us. The test is currently running over the US servers but is changing daily as different
code and features are tested. ...]

Das heisst im Klartext, es werden noch BETAs fuer Europa klar gemacht! ALSO SCHNELL!!!! Wenn ihr noch Intresse habt - Mail an -> betatest[@]df-point.de Ich geb euch dann weitere Infos

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geschrieben am 2004-04-14 22:29:35 von Beelze KKK
der DFBHD(TS) Pinger 5.0 kann jetzt über auto update auf version 5.1 geupdatet werden!

update infos:

-updatet nova links
-added a way to join stat servers, including express login
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geschrieben am 2004-04-13 22:05:59 von Beelze KKK
unter option/game setup
alte links löschen, neue einfügen

BHD Links:
GLB File Link: http://nw4.novaworld.net/bhd_6x.glb
Play Stats Link: http://novaworld.net/bhdqqstart6.htm
Play Public Link: http://nw4.novaworld.net/bhd_6_lobbyx.htm
Join Link: http://nw4.novaworld.net/bhd_6_joinx.joi?RID=

BHDTS Links:
GLB File Link: http://nw4.novaworld.net/bhd_6x.glb
Play Stats Link: http://novaworld.net/tsabqqstart6.htm
Play Public Link: http://nw4.novaworld.net/tsab_6_lobbyax.htm
Join Link: http://nw4.novaworld.net/tsab_6_joinax.joi?RID=
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geschrieben am 2004-04-11 17:07:37 von Beelze KKK
es gibt wieder zwei neue maps (TKOTH/TDM)

TKotH - Vietcong Marsh
TDM - Rivers of Dead
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geschrieben am 2004-04-11 15:00:13 von Beelze KKK
Das NETBoard ist gestartet. Ihr erreicht es über http://www.netboard.de.vu!

Es handelt sich um ein globales Forum das über den Community Club laufen soll. Ziel des ganzen ist es das viele Clans ein externes Forum in diesem Netboard bekommen und das eine große Community gebildet werden soll. Die Clanmember brauchen sich nicht in vielen anderen Foren zu registrieren um z. B. mit einem anderen Clan zu plaudern.

Wir versuchen das ganze so breitgefächert wie möglich zu realisieren.

Wenn Ihr Interesse habt, sprecht mich oder Loki an.

Es geht auch nicht nur um Black Hawk Down oder Joint Operations, der Community Club hat eine neue Funktion. Er soll eine Clanunabhängige Multigaming Plattform werden. D. H. auch Spieler die keinem Clan beitreten wollen können sich über den Community Club im TeamSpeak treffen und miteinander quatschen und zocken!

ICQ: 159828590 (M@v3r!ck™) / 61858562 (Loki)
eMail: maverick@community-club.de / loki@community-club.de


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geschrieben am 2004-04-11 03:23:36 von Beelze KKK
Welcome to www.NovaNogic.com We are currently not open yet until the site has been completed and we have staff, Below you will find a list of things which NovaNogic will offer you.

Free Signature Hosting *online**Upload signatues only, all other pictures...etc will be deleted*
Be Able To Request Signatures And Graphics
Up-To-Date News and Information on Joint Operations
A Database Full of Useful Downloads

Also in the near future NovaNogic.com will also offer more, Stated Below:

Request a Utility (NovaNogic.com Exclusive)
NovaNogic.com Joint Operations Gaming Server (NovaNogic.com Exclusive)
Full Website Layout Request
NovaNogic.Com Web Hosting (NovaNogic.com Exclusive)

Thankyou for visiting NovaNogic.Com, Please check back shortly for more information on the launch of NovaNogic.com.

If you are interested in Joining the NovaNogic.com Team of Staff Please Send An Email To NovaStaff@NovaNogic.com

NovaNogic.Com Staff
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geschrieben am 2004-04-10 13:30:15 von Beelze KKK
der map-editor wurde überarbeitet und einige fehler wurden behoben!
wer die überarbeitete version haben möchte muss sich den mapeditor noch einmal runterladen! ihr findet ihn bei uns unter download->tools, oder gleich ->HIER<-


Map Editing for Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising Demo

With this set of tools you can create maps for the JOTR demo
and host up to 50 maps on your server.

I suggest that you make a backup of the folowing files from your DFBHD:TS instalation to another folder.


Now unpack the Jotrmaptools and copy all the files from the editor folder to the folder where you have placed the backup files.
run Install_1.bat from the backup folder.

Now you should be able to make maps for JOTR demo with the bhd map editor.
the only valid terain file you can use is

Run the editor from the backup folder.
when you have created a map convert it with BHD to JO BMS utility.

Run JOTR demo and then start JOTR Map Loader and make sure that you have placed the converted maps where you have the Map Loader.

All maps must me named like this.


The only valid terain file and sky enviroment you can use is.


and for the sky setting you can only use

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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-04-09 23:18:07 von Beelze KKK
am 1.4.04 war bei whity ein kleines treffen, zum zocken, grillen und spaß haben! auch für einige um sich etwas weiterzubilder!
die bilder findet ihr in der bildergalerie unter "2004-01-04 Clantreffen bei Whity (62 Bilder)". viel spaß beim anschaun

danke an chasm für das hochladen
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geschrieben am 2004-04-09 17:20:54 von Beelze KKK
für die Demo ist jetzt auch der erste map editor erschienen! ihr findet ihn bei uns unter download->tools, oder gleich ->HIER<-


Map Editing tools for Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising Demo With this set of tools you can create maps for the JOTR demo and host up to 50 maps on your server. Instructions:
- Create some maps with the Jo Map Editor
- Convert them with BHD to JO BMs converter
- Load the maps with Joint Ops Map Loader. I have included Green Island and Other Island by Vlad in the map loader folder.
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geschrieben am 2004-04-09 16:07:02 von Beelze KKK
die mails sind raus, also schaut gleich mal nach ob einer von euch zu den glücklichen zählt
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geschrieben am 2004-04-09 12:14:10 von Beelze KKK
auf www.jointopsthegame.com sind zwei neue fahrzeuge (Stryker APC und BTR 80 APC) und zwei neue waffen (AT4 und RPG-7)dazu gekommen!
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Krisen Kommando Kräfte  
geschrieben am 2004-04-08 17:00:39 von Beelze KKK
ab heute läuft auf unseren JO-Server "TKoth", die map heisst "Green Island"!

Diese könnt ihr auch bei uns unter Downlaods->Maps - Team King of the Hill runterladen, oder gleich ->HIER<-

und für die TDM spieler gibt es auch was, "Pulau Jagung Islands" als TDM-map, diese findet ihr auch bei Doenloads->Maps - Team King of the Hill, oder auch gleich ->HIER<-

Anleitung ist enthalten!!
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geschrieben am 2004-04-05 16:10:38 von Beelze KKK
The Expack mod for TS is out!
Lats make it clear that this is just a beta! I am thinking of expanding it. But for now we can all just give it a little try.
I have added 114 new sounds, few skins and changed the weapon accurancy, damage, ammo.
Known bugs:
-9mmBerreta sound is messed up.
-Shotgun sound is also messed up.
So lats all stick to the Colt45

To install, its simple.
- You need TeamSabre.
- Make a MOD folder if you dont have one in your BHD folder.
- Add the Expack.pff file in to the MOD folder.
- Create a shortcut of your DFBHD.EXE to the desktop.
- Left click on it, and go to Properties, There you have to add /mod Expack in the target area.
- After that you can run the mod and chek out the new sounds
- If the .exe doesent work, visit forums and ask for help.

Havent got the chance to add some maps. But the mod is perfect on the Mean Streets Map. or any other.

Make shure you got your volume up!
Cuz its time to expirience the real war.

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geschrieben am 2004-04-04 10:43:04 von Beelze KKK
Für die Demo ist das erste Update erschienen, runterladen könnt ihr es unter Downloads->Updates, oder gleich ->HIER<-

Build Notes:

Fixed Muzzle flashes
Removed tracers from MP5
Fixed missing friendly tags
Added support for 16x9 aspect ratio monitors
New ground physics
New recoil system
Can now fire while swimming but take a larger recoil
Reduced armory timer to 30 seconds
Commanders map has more functionality
New helicopter flight model
New video test
No longer support cards without T&L.
New player info screen
In game options screen now works.
People get credit from blast radius weapons.
Falling from a great distance will now kill the players
Flying into objects will destroy the helicopters.
Fixed a problem regarding the floating husks
Greater stability for 100 player servers.
Fixed bug with clouds not displaying on certain video cards.
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geschrieben am 2004-04-03 23:11:41 von Beelze KKK
für die demo gibt es schon den ersten name editor!

damit er geht, muss aber .Net framework installiert sein!

zu finden ist der editor bei uns unter downloads->tool, oder gleich ->HIER<-
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