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es sieht so aus, als würde JO:TR mit dem punkbuster www.punkbuster.com geliefert werden!
Major Features in PunkBuster™
(some editions of PunkBuster™ do not have all of these features)
Real-time scanning of memory by PB Client on players' computers searching for known hacks/cheats
Throttled two-tiered background auto-update system using multiple Internet Master Servers to provide end-user security ensuring that no false or corrupted updates can be installed on players' computers
Frequent status reports (highly encrypted) are sent to the PB Server by all players and the PB Server raises a violation when necessary which causes the offending player to be removed from the game and all other players are informed of the violation
PB Admins can also manually remove players from the game for a specified number of minutes or permanently ban if desired
PB Servers can optionally be configured to randomly check player settings looking for known exploits of the game engine
PB Admins can request actual screenshot samples from specific players and/or can configure the PB Server to randomly grab screenshot samples from players during gameplay
An optional "bad name" facility is provided so that PB Admins can prevent players from using offensive player names containing unwanted profanity or racial slurs
Search functions are provided for PB Admins who wish to search player's keybindings and scripts for anything that may be known to exploit the game
The PunkBuster™ Player Power facility can be configured to allow players to self-administer game servers when the Server Administrator is not present entirely without the need for passwords
PB Servers have an optional built-in mini http web server interface that allows the game server to be remotely administered via a web browser from anywhere over the Internet
Info based on NovaLogic's Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising Media Beta.
Cheaters detected by the Punk Buster software from our admin member servers, are collected, sorted and updated to the Master Ban List (MBL) automatically.
Your server’s ban list is automatically updated and kept current with our automated download feature at a time and period of your choosing. A cheater caught today will not be playing within hours on all servers using the MBL, Period!
The Auto-MBL FTP updating software is available for both Windows and Linux-based servers. (Or update manually, if the auto-updating feature is not possible with your setup).
Screen shot MD5 checksums and timestamps are automatically stored in our repository, so that there will never again be a doubt as to the authenticity of a PB screen shot. It eliminates accusations of fake screen shots. PunksBusted’s repository will verify it’s integrity without question.
There is an system for all server admins, using PB, which will keep you up to date with ALL the cheaters.
The server must be connected to a FTP server of PunksBusted and will load the latest BANFILE.
So when people connect to a PB server witch a cheat, he will be banned and will automaticly be added to the BANLIST.
The BANLIST will have the following info in it:
- Alias
- IP Address
- Reason (will show you the program which has ran to cheat)
- Caught By (server name)